Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Floating Dock for my Mercury Mouse Boat

So I bought this Mercury Mouse Boat on Craigslist and since I live on the water and the floating PWC docks were too expensive so I've decided to build my own floating dock. After several trips to Home Depot and about $400 later I've finished it. Here are the pictures.

The Boat. Small 400lb boat.

Building the structure

 Putting the insulation foam that I've used for the thing to float

More insulation foam

Structure completed, this is the bottom of the thing

Another pic of the finished thing from the bottom. It was time to flip it and I had to ask my wife for help, she was not too happy about it.

And it floats!

My friend

 Finished thing. As you can see I've put 2 long 2"x6"x12' and stapled the carped which I bought on Amazon and a hitch that I also bought on amazon.

 The thing to keep it in place made of galvanized pipes. At first I tried with PVC pipes but it did not work because of the strong tides. 

Now if I could only make the boat start so I can take it to the marina and put it on top of this thing. Anyone willing to help start the outboard engine in the Surfside, FL area?

I know more than one will want to build something like this. Send me an email if you have any questions.


  1. Hi,
    Good job, but will it float with the mouse boat on it???
    Good luck.

  2. How are the insulation boards attached? Just by fit?

  3. How did it float once you put the boat on it?

  4. Amigo gostei do projeto. Tem como mandar as dimençoes??
